Directory Import - Prepare and format the Excel file

Created by Joshua Ort, Modified on Thu, 28 Mar at 5:20 PM by Sandra Serafini

See the tutorial below to prepare the Excel file that is exported from the U.S. Soccer Learning Center.  The tutorial shows you how to clean and correct common formatting issues and errors so the Directory is accurate and provides a professional, consistent appearance.  A Directory Import template, guide, and list of steps are also included in this article as an attachment.

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1. This tutorial will demonstrate how to prepare your Excel file prior to a Directory Import.

We will use a typical export from the U.S. Soccer Learning Center for this tutorial.

Step 1 image

2. It is a good idea to take the original datafile and Save As with the suffix
_RI Import so you have a copy of the original file in case it is needed.

Step 2 image

3. Information regarding Licensing and Risk Management are not needed in the import file, so will be deleted.

Step 3 image

4. Select these columns and click Delete

Step 4 image

5. We can either leave the column names as they are and map them during the import, or rename them to their RefInsight names.

Renaming them now will allow the columns to be auto-mapped during the import process and save some time.

Step 5 image

6. Rename the USSF-id column to USSF ID.

The system will remove the dashes between the numbers automatically during the import process.

No other changes are needed for this column.

Step 6 image

7. Next, we will format the First Name column into Proper format so only the first letter is capitalized.

Click the column next to First Name to insert a new column.

Step 7 image

8. Click Insert

Step 8 image

9. We now have a new, empty column next to First Name.

Step 9 image

10. Click inside the cell next to the first entry to add a formula that will format the First Name to Proper.

Step 10 image

11. Type in =PROPER(, then click on the cell to be formatted, then type ) to close the bracket. In this example, the formula is =PROPER(B2).

Press Enter.

Step 11 image

12. Notice the formatting for the first name is now corrected with the first letter capitalized.

Press the Up arrow to return to the cell you just formatted.

Step 12 image

13. Double Click the bottom right square to automatically apply this formula to all the rows below it that contain data.

Step 13 image

14. This formula will format all the variations seen in the First Name column to PROPER formatting.

Step 14 image

15. We will now copy and use the "Paste Special" command to preserve the newly formatted cells into the First Name column as Values instead of formulas.

Copy the new cells using the Copy command or keyboard shortcut.

Step 15 image

16. Right Click the cell of the first entry. In this example, it is cell B2.

Step 16 image

17. Click Paste Special

Step 17 image

18. Click Values

Step 18 image

19. We can now delete the column we used to do our formatting correction.

Select the column by clicking it.

Step 19 image

20. Click Delete.

These formatting steps will now be repeated for the column Last Name.

Step 20 image

21. Select the column next to Last Name by clicking on the column.

Step 21 image

22. Click Insert

Step 22 image

23. A new empty column now appears next to Last Name.

Step 23 image

24. Click inside the cell next to the first entry for Last Name to enter the PROPER formula.

Step 24 image

25. Type in =PROPER(, then click on the cell to be formatted, then type ) to close the bracket. In this example, the formula is =PROPER(C2).

Press Enter.

Step 25 image

26. Notice the formatting for the last name is now corrected with the first letter capitalized.

Press the Up arrow to return to the cell you just formatted.

Step 26 image

27. Double Click the bottom right square to automatically apply this formula to all the rows below it that contain data.

Step 27 image

28. This formula will format all the variations seen in the Last Name column to Proper formatting.

Step 28 image

29. We will now copy and use the "Paste Special" command to preserve the newly formatted cells into the Last Name column as Values instead of formulas.

Copy the new cells using the Copy command or keyboard shortcut.

Step 29 image

30. Right Click the cell of first entry of Last Name. In this example, it is cell C2.

Step 30 image

31. Click Paste Special

Step 31 image

32. Click Values

Step 32 image

33. We can now delete the column we used to do our formatting correction.

Select the column by clicking it.

Step 33 image

34. Click Delete

Step 34 image

35. The Gender column does not need to be renamed because it already matches what is in RefInsight.

The options for Gender are male, female, non-binary, other, and unknown.

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36. If this column has any abbreviations or other entries, replace them at this step.

For example, if "m" is entered, replace these entries with "male". If "f" is entered, replace with "female".

Step 36 image

37. The options for Ethnicity are currently being updated in RefInsight to match those from the Learning Center. It will be an importable column in the near future.

No changes are needed to the formatting of this column.

Step 37 image

38. The column DOB matches the name in the RefInsight template.

Although the date displays here as "MM/DD/2-digit Year", it will display as "4-digit Year/MM/DD" in the import preview. The format will be indicated during the import mapping step.

Step 38 image

39. We will now format the Email column.

Rename the Email column to Email 1 for it to automap.

Step 39 image

40. Rename the column either by double-clicking inside the cell or by clicking inside the formula bar.

Step 40 image

41. Type Email and Press Enter

Step 41 image

42. We will now format the Email 1 column to all lower case.

Highlight the column to the right of the Email 1 column and click Insert.

Step 42 image

43. Click inside the cell next to the first entry to enter the formula. In this example, it is cell H2.

Step 43 image

44. Type in the formula =LOWER( , then click the cell to be formatted, then type to close the bracket. In this example, the formula is =LOWER(G2).

Press Enter.

Step 44 image

45. Press the Up arrow to go back to the cell.

Step 45 image

46. Double Click the green square at the bottom right of this cell to automatically copy the formula down all the rows that contain data.

Step 46 image

47. Note the format is now lower case for all email addresses.

Copy the newly formatted cells using the copy command or your keyboard shortcut.

Step 47 image

48. Right Click on the first entry of the Email 1 column. In this example, it is cell G2.

Step 48 image

49. Click Paste Special

Step 49 image

50. Click Values

Step 50 image

51. The newly formatted cells are now in the Email 1 column as values instead of formulas.

The column we used to make the formatting adjustment can now be deleted. Click the column to highlight it.

Step 51 image

52. Click Delete

Step 52 image

53. The Secondary Email column is usually a parent or guardian email address for minor officials.

Since a unique email address is required for login credentials, many of these emails would need to be removed during the import process.

Step 53 image

54. We recommend this column be deleted to save the time it would take to remove them later.

RefInsight collects the parent/guardian email when a minor onboards and stores it separately from the minor official's profile.

Step 54 image

55. The parent/guardian email is automatically copied on all communication, such as messaging and notifications, that is sent through the RefInsight platform.

Step 55 image

56. To delete this column, highlight it and click Delete.

Step 56 image

57. We will now format the Address column.

Rename the Address column to Address Line 1 for it to automap.

Step 57 image

58. Click on the Address cell

Step 58 image

59. Click inside the Formula Bar to rename the column to Address Line 1 and press Enter.

This column usually requires multiple steps to correct errors and clean up the formatting.

Step 59 image

60. One common error is a user entering incorrect or extra information in this datafield, such as email address, City, State, Zip Code, or apartment number.

Visually inspect the column for these errors and manually correct them.

Step 60 image

61. In this example, we will delete the City, State, and Zip Code from this entry.

Click on the cell, then click inside the Formula Bar to delete the unnecessary information.

Step 61 image

62. In this example, the apartment number was included in Address Line 1 instead of being entered in the Address Line 2 column.

Step 62 image

63. You can either delete the apartment information and type it into the Address Line 2 column, or select, cut, and paste the information into the Address Line 2 column.

Step 63 image

64. Remember to remove any commas or other errant characters from the cell.

Step 64 image

65. Occasionally, ASCII characters will appear when an apostrophe or accent key is utilized by the user in the Learning Center.

Visually inspect the column for these characters and correct them before proceeding further.

Step 65 image

66. In this example, we will delete the ASCII characters and replace them with an apostrophe. You can confirm the correct spelling of the address by checking Google Maps.

Step 66 image

67. Next, we will format the Address Line 1 column into Proper format so only the first letter of each word is capitalized.

Click the column next to Address Line 1 to insert a new column.

Step 67 image

68. Click Insert

Step 68 image

69. We now have a new, empty column next to Address Line 1.

Step 69 image

70. Click inside the cell next to the first entry to add a formula that will format the Address Line 1 column to Proper.

Step 70 image

71. Type in =PROPER(, then click on the cell to be formatted, then type ) to close the bracket. In this example, the formula is =PROPER(H2).

Press Enter.

Step 71 image

72. Notice the formatting for the Address is now corrected with the first letter capitalized for each word.

Press the Up arrow to return to the cell you just formatted.

Step 72 image

73. Double Click the bottom right square to automatically apply this formula to all the rows below it that contain data.

Step 73 image

74. This formula will format all the variations seen in the Address Line 1 column to Proper formatting.

Step 74 image

75. We will now copy and use the "Paste Special" command to preserve the newly formatted cells into the Address Line 1 column as Values instead of formulas.

Copy the new cells using the Copy command or keyboard shortcut.

Step 75 image

76. Right Click the cell of first entry of Address Line 1. In this example, it is cell H2.

Step 76 image

77. Click Paste Special

Step 77 image

78. Click Values

Step 78 image

79. The Address Line 1 column is now in PROPER format.

Step 79 image

80. We can now delete the column we used to do our formatting correction.

Select the column by clicking it.

Step 80 image

81. Click Delete

Step 81 image

82. Note the previous step may have capitalized abbreviations of street name suffixes, and need to be corrected.

Visually inspect the column and manually correct any of these instances.

Step 82 image

83. In this example, we will correct "61St Avenue" to "61st Avenue".

Step 83 image

84. In this example, we will correct "137Th St" to "137th St".

Step 84 image

85. In this example, we will correct "193Rd Street" to "193rd Street".

Step 85 image

86. Continue to inspect the column and make corrections where needed.

Step 86 image

87. Here is an entry that needs correcting.

Step 87 image

88. Here are other examples needing corrections.

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89. Next, we will remove all the periods from the Address Line 1 column.

Click on the column to highlight it.

Step 89 image

90. Click Find & Select

Step 90 image

91. Click Replace...

Step 91 image

92. Type the period character . and leave the "Replace with" field blank to remove the periods.

Click Replace All.

Step 92 image

92b. Click

Step 92b image

93. Excel will display how many replacements were made.

Click OK

Step 93 image

94. The next step will replace long versions of address suffixes with abbreviations through a series of Find and Replace All steps.

Click the column to highlight it.

Step 94 image

95. Click Find & Select

Step 95 image

96. Click Replace...

Step 96 image

97. Type in Avenue in the "Find what" datafield.

Step 97 image

97b. Click

Step 97b image

98. Type the abbreviation for Ave in the "Replace with" datafield.

Click Replace All.

Step 98 image

98b. Click

Step 98b image

99. Click OK

Step 99 image

100. Repeat these steps for the following: Find Boulevard and replace with the abbreviation for Blvd.

Step 100 image

100b. Click

Step 100b image

101. If there is no matching data in your datafile, simply click OK to go to the next replacement.

Step 101 image

102. Find Court and replace with the abbreviation "C" "t".

Click Replace All, then OK to proceed to the next item.

Step 102 image

102b. Click

Step 102b image

103. Find Drive and replace with the abbreviation "D" "r".

Click Replace All, then OK to proceed to the next item.

Step 103 image

103b. Click

Step 103b image

104. Find Lane and replace with the abbreviation "L" "n".

Step 104 image

104b. Click

Step 104b image

105. Find Parkway and replace with the abbreviation "P" "k" "w" "y".

Step 105 image

105b. Click

Step 105b image

106. Find Place and replace with the abbreviation "P" "l".

Step 106 image

106b. Click

Step 106b image

107. Find Road and replace with the abbreviation "R" "d".

Step 107 image

107b. Click

Step 107b image

108. Find Street and replace with the abbreviation "S" "t".

Step 108 image

108b. Click

Step 108b image

109. Click Replace All, then OK between each item until finished.

Step 109 image

110. Click Close

Step 110 image

111. The previous step may have inadvertently replaced parts of words that should not be abbreviated.

A common, but incorrect, replacement occurs with the street name "Broadway", changing it to "BRdway".

Step 111 image

112. Visually inspect the column for these types of inadvertent changes and correct them manually.

Step 112 image

113. Make additional corrections as needed.

Step 113 image

114. Next, we will rename the Apt/Suite/Unit column to Address Line 2 so it will automap.

Step 114 image

115. Delete any errant entries in this column, such as "none", "house", or any other entry that is not an apartment or unit.

Step 115 image


Step 116 image

117. Insert "Apt" or "Unit" where they are missing by clicking inside the formula bar or double-clicking inside the cell.

Use Proper formatting to consistently format the cells in Address Line 2.

In this example, 4a becomes Apt 4A.

Step 117 image

118. 6 B is corrected to Apt 6B

Step 118 image

119. apt 8e is corrected to Apt 8E

Step 119 image

120. We will now format the City column. This column is also called City in RefInsight and does not need to be renamed.

To start, visually inspect the column and remove any extra or erroneous information from cells, such as state or zip code.

Step 120 image

121. Double Click inside the cell and use the Delete or Backspace key to remove errant information.

Step 121 image

122. Press Enter.

Correct any other cells with incorrect information.

Step 122 image

123. Next, we will format the City column into Proper format so only the first letter of each word is capitalized.

Click the column next to City to insert a new column.

Step 123 image

124. Click Insert

Step 124 image

125. Click inside the cell next to the first entry to add a formula that will format the City column to Proper formatting.

Step 125 image

126. Type in =PROPER(, then click on the cell to be formatted, then type ) to close the bracket. In this example, the formula is =PROPER(J2).

Press Enter.

Step 126 image

127. Press the Up arrow to return to the cell.

Step 127 image

128. Double Click the bottom right square to automatically apply this formula to all the rows below it that contain data.

Step 128 image

129. We will now copy and use the "Paste Special" command to preserve the newly formatted cells into the City column as Values instead of formulas.

Copy the new cells using the Copy command or keyboard shortcut.

Step 129 image

130. Right Click the cell of the first entry of City. In this example, it is cell J2.

Step 130 image

131. Click Paste Special

Step 131 image

132. Click Values

Step 132 image

133. The City column is now in PROPER format.

Step 133 image

134. We can now delete the column we used to do our formatting correction.

Select the column, then Click Delete.

Step 134 image

135. It is common for City names to be misspelled by end-users, or have variations of spellings, such as "Saint" vs "S" "t" or "Mount" vs "M" "t".

We will use filters to help identify misspellings and variations so they can be corrected.

Step 135 image

136. Click on the column header City, then click Sort & Filter

Step 136 image

137. Click Filter

Step 137 image

138. Note that filters have now been added to the column headers.

Step 138 image

139. Uncheck Select All

Step 139 image

140. Visually inspect the list and click the items that will group the correct city name with the incorrect or inconsistent city names.

Step 140 image

141. In this example, we see the misspelled City name of Atfon rather than Afton.

Check the boxes next to both items, then click Apply Filter.

Step 141 image

142. Double-click inside the cell to edit it.

Step 142 image

143. If you prefer, copy a cell with the correct name and paste it to the cell with the incorrect name.

Step 143 image

144. Press Escape to continue your inspection. Click the Filter icon.

Step 144 image

145. Uncheck your previous filter (Afton) and look for the next correction to be made.

Step 145 image

146. We see another example where Deerwood is misspelled as Derwood. Repeat the previous steps to make this correction.

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153. Here is another example with incorrect spellings of Minneapolis.

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155. Select the correct spelling and any misspellings and click Apply Filter.

Step 155 image

156. Find any incorrect spellings.

Step 156 image

157. Make corrections as needed.

Step 157 image

158. When finished correcting the last item, click the Filter icon.

Step 158 image

159. Click Clear Filter

Step 159 image

160. Close the filter window by clicking the x at the top left of the window.

Step 160 image

161. We will now format the State column. This column is also called State in RefInsight and does not need to be renamed.

Step 161 image

162. RefInsight uses the full spelling of the state name to accommodate non-US entries in the Directory.

Step 162 image

163. We will use the Find & Replace function to adjust abbreviations to their full spelling.

Select this column and click on the filter to see what entries are in this column.

Step 163 image

164. In this example, we see three state abbreviations that need to be replaced with their full spelling.

Click the filter icon to close this pop-up window.

Step 164 image

165. Ensure only the State column is selected. Click Find & Select in the menu.

Step 165 image

166. Click Replace...

Step 166 image

167. Type in the abbreviation of the first state in the Find what datafield. In this example, we will type "I" "N".

Step 167 image

167b. Click

Step 167b image

168. Type the full spelling of the state in the Replace with datafield.

In this example, we will type Indiana.

Step 168 image

169. Click Replace All

Step 169 image

170. Click OK

Step 170 image

171. Repeat these steps for the other state abbreviations in this column, clicking Replace All and OK between each entry.

Step 171 image

171b. Click

Step 171b image


Step 172 image

173. Here is an example for Minnesota.

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174. Type the full spelling, then click Replace All.

Step 174 image

174b. Click

Step 174b image

175. Click OK.

Step 175 image

176. Click Close when finished.

Step 176 image

177. Check that all state abbreviations have been replaced, with no misspellings, by clicking on the filter icon.

Step 177 image

178. Click the filter icon again to close the filter pop-up.

Step 178 image

179. We will now format the Zip Code column.

RefInsight calls this column Postal Code. Rename this column for it to automap during the import.

Step 179 image

180. Double-click the Zip Code cell to edit the entry or click the cell and use the formula bar to edit.

Step 180 image

181. Rename this column to Postal Code and Press Enter.

Step 181 image

182. This column may contain various errors, such as a 4-digit zip code, transposed numbers, or zip code suffixes.

Click the filter icon to identify the entries that need correcting.

Step 182 image

183. Uncheck the Select All filter.

Step 183 image

184. Check the box next to any 4 digit zip codes. In this example, we will correct 6-3-4-5.

Step 184 image

185. Check the box next to any zip codes with suffixes. In this example, we see 5-6-4-4-4-1-2-3-4.

Step 185 image

186. Click Apply Filter

Step 186 image

187. Using Google maps or from other entries for Little Falls, we know the zip code should be 5-6-3-4-5. Make this correction by double-clicking inside the cell or by using the formula bar to edit.

Step 187 image

188. Delete any suffixes after the zip code to adjust to a 5-digit zip code.

Step 188 image

189. Press Enter when finished.

Step 189 image

190. By visually inspecting other zip codes, we see 5-5-0-0-1 above 5-5-0-1-0. To confirm these refer to different cities or one of the entries is an error, check the boxes next to each.

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Step 191 image

192. Click Apply Filter

Step 192 image

193. Close the pop-up window.

Step 193 image

194. Note that the City Afton has several entries with 5-5-0-0-1 as the zip code. The last entry is incorrect, with a 5-5-0-1-0 zip code, and needs to be corrected.

Step 194 image

195. Copy and paste the correct zip code into the cell with the incorrect zip code.

Step 195 image

196. Press Escape when finished.

Step 196 image

197. Click Clear Filter when finished inspecting the zip codes and correcting them where necessary.

Step 197 image

198. Close the pop-up window when finished correcting zip code entries.

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199. We will now format the Country column.

RefInsight calls this column Country so it does not need to be renamed.

Step 199 image

200. The platform will convert most abbreviations for the United States, such as US or USA, but replacing the abbreviation with the full spelling can be completed quickly.

Select the Country column. Click Find & Select.

Step 200 image

201. Click Replace...

Step 201 image

202. Type in US in the Find what: datafield.

Step 202 image

203. Type United States in the Replace with: datafield and click Replace All

Step 203 image

203b. Click

Step 203b image

204. Click OK

Step 204 image

205. Click Close when finished.

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206. Formatting the Phone and mobile Phone columns to a 10-digit format is optional. If you choose to format these columns, they should be visually inspected to correct errors.

Step 206 image

207. Rename the Phone column to Phone 1 to allow it to automap during the import. Double-click inside the cell to edit.

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208. Type in Phone 1

Step 208 image

209. Double-click on the mobile Phone cell and change it to Phone 2.

Step 209 image

210. If you see an entry with scientific notation, it usually means there is an extra 1 at the start of the entry.

Step 210 image

211. Correct the entry by removing the extra 1 at the beginning so it is a 10-digit number.

Step 211 image

212. The entry is now a 10-digit number.

Step 212 image

213. If you see any entries with the 1 missing at the beginning, add it in. The goal is to have all the entries be a 10-digit number.

Step 213 image

214. You can remove duplicate numbers in the Phone 1 and Phone 2 columns if you wish.

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215. To identify and remove duplicates, select these columns. Click Conditional Formatting.

Step 215 image

216. Click Highlight Cells Rules

Step 216 image

217. Click Duplicate Values...

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218. Click OK

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219. The duplicates will be highlighted in red. Press delete or backspace on your keyboard to remove duplicates.

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220. Here is an example.

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221. Continue deleting duplicates.

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222. When finished, click Conditional Formatting.

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223. Click Clear Rules

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224. Click Clear Rules from Entire Sheet

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225. We will now take several steps to turn the 10-digit number to a standard phone number format (880) 123-4567.

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226. Insert a new column next to Phone 1

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227. Select the column and click Insert.

Repeat this step to insert a column to the right of Phone 2.

Step 227 image

228. Click on the cell next to the first entry. We will replace the preceding 1 with an open bracket (

Step 228 image

229. Type in the formula =REPLACE(N2,1,1,"(") and press Enter.

In this example, the cell is N2

Step 229 image

229b. Click

Step 229b image

230. Double-click the green square at the bottom right of the cell to copy the formula down all the rows that contain data.

Step 230 image

231. All rows now contain the formula entered.

Step 231 image

232. Copy this formula and paste it next to the Phone 2 entries.

Step 232 image

233. Paste it here.

Step 233 image

234. Repeat this step for other entries.

Step 234 image

235. Continue with remaining entries.

Step 235 image

236. Copy the newly formatted cells

Step 236 image

237. Right Click the first entry in the Phone 1 column.

Step 237 image

238. Click Paste Special

Step 238 image

239. Click Values

Step 239 image

240. Clear the column to prepare for the next formatting step.

Step 240 image

241. Select the cells and press Backspace or Delete on your keyboard.

Step 241 image

242. Select the newly formatted entries next to the Phone 2 column and copy them.

Step 242 image

243. Right Click the first entry in the Phone 2 column.

Step 243 image

244. Click Paste Special, then click Values

Step 244 image

245. We will now insert the closed bracket ) and a space after the third number to show the area code in brackets with a space after it.

Step 245 image

246. Type in the formula
=LEFT(N2,4)&") "&RIGHT(N2,LEN(N2)-4).
Ensure there is a space after the closing bracket inside the formula.

Press Enter.

Step 246 image

247. Double Click the green square at the bottom right of the cell to copy this formula down all the rows.

Step 247 image

248. All the rows now contain the formula.

Step 248 image

249. Copy the formula next to the entries of the Phone 2 column.

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Step 250 image

251. Paste the formula next to any entries.

Step 251 image

252. Copy the newly formatted cells next to the Phone 1 column.

Step 252 image

253. Right Click the first entry in the Phone 1 column.

Step 253 image

254. Click Paste Special

Step 254 image

255. Click Values

Step 255 image

256. Clear the column to prepare for the last formatting step.

Step 256 image

257. Copy the newly formatted cells in the Phone 2 column, then right click on the cell of the first entry.

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258. Click Paste Special

Step 258 image

259. Click Values

Step 259 image

260. Clear the contents next to the Phone 2 entries to prepare for the last formatting step.

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261. In this final formatting step, we will add a dash before the last 4 digits.

This final step will give us the phone number format of (123) 234-5678.

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262. In this example, the cell we are formatting is N2. Type in the formula

Press Enter.

Step 262 image

263. Double-click on the green square at the bottom right of the cell to copy the formula down all the rows.

Step 263 image

264. All the rows now contain the formula.

Step 264 image

265. Copy and paste the formula into the cells next to the Phone 2 entries.

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269. Copy the newly formatted cells.

Step 269 image

270. Right Click the first entry in the Phone 1 column. In this example, it is cell N2.

Step 270 image

271. Click Paste Special

Step 271 image

272. Click Values

Step 272 image

273. The column used to enter formulas can now be deleted. Select the column.

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274. Click Delete

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275. Select the newly formatted cells next to the entries in the Phone 2 column.

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276. Right click the first entry in the Phone 2 column. Click Paste Special.

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277. Click Values

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278. We can now delete the column used to enter formulas. Select the column.

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279. Click Delete

Step 279 image

280. We are in the process of adding Years of Experience to the import and Learning Center API. No formatting changes are needed at this time.

Step 280 image

281. Be sure to save your file before closing.

Your Excel file is now ready for import into the Directory.

Thank you for watching the tutorial on preparing your Excel file for Directory import.

Step 281 image

Here's an interactive tutorial

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **

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