1. This tutorial covers step 3 of the Post-match workflow, focusing on the invoicing part of payment processing.
If you have not yet completed steps 1 and 2 of the workflow, see the tutorial on completing Match Wrap-Up and Utilization.
2. To start step 3 of the post-match workflow, click the arrow next to Payments to expand the dropdown.
3. Click Create Invoices
4. The assignments on this page have Wrap-up and Utilization completed. Each row displays the name of the payee, assignment status, role, fees, and notes from the utilization step.
Click Competition to focus on a specific Competition.
5. We will again focus on Demo Competition for this example.
6. Click Schedule to focus on a specific schedule within this Competition.
7. We will focus on Demo Schedule 1 for this example.
8. You can also use the filters here to focus on a specific Payor or Dates.
Click Apply Settings when you have finished choosing your filters.
9. If you need to edit or modify fees that were done in the Utilization step, you can do that here, prior to creating the invoice.
Click the magnifying glass to Edit the Utilization record.
10. Click Edit Utilization Record
11. For this example, we will modify the Bonus Fee from $5 to $10.
Click Bonus Fees.
12. Type the modification in Bonus Fees.
13. Update the Game Fee Notes accordingly.
14. Click Save Changes when finished.
15. The updated Utilization record now displays. You can create this specific invoice now by clicking Create Invoice, or click cancel to return to the list.
16. For this example, we will click cancel and create this invoice along with the others.
17. Note the Bonus Fee and the Game Fee Notes are updated.
18. To create invoices, select the relevant assignments using the checkbox next to that assignment.
19. You can select individual assignments ...
20. ... or Select All using the checkbox at the top of the column.
21. When ready, Click Generate Invoices for Selected.
22. Repeat these steps for assignments in other Schedules or Competitions.
Once you have created the invoices, Click Release Invoices to release them to the Payor Portal.
23. Select individual invoices by clicking the checkbox next to the relevant invoices ...
27. ... or move the Select All Invoices toggle to the right to select them all.
28. You can deselect any invoices you want to exclude by unchecking the box next to that invoice.
32. Click Release Selected Invoices to Payor. This action will release these invoices to the Payor League A, shown in the Payor column.
33. If you have multiple Payors in your list, you can still select and release all of them in one step. The invoices will be sent to the Payor that is specified in the Payor column.
34. You have now completed step 3 of the post-match workflow. If your responsibilities include creating batches from invoices within the Payor Portal, close the confirmation banner to display the Payors Portal shortcut.
35. Use the shortcut to the Payors Portal to log into it using the same credentials as your assignor portal.
36. If you do not see this shortcut, or do not see the payor within the Payor portal, you will need to be added as a User to the relevant Payor portal account where step 4 of the workflow will be completed.
37. Existing users of the Payor Portal can request a new user from within the Payor portal.
You can also submit a support ticket and make this request.
38. Thank you for watching the tutorial on how to Create and Release Invoices to the Payor Portal.